Owner Shift


If you’re looking for a coach or speaker who has walked his clients’ exact path, or that of his audience, you have finally found one. Andrew Scott has developed simple systems to reduce the cost of employee turnover, put more money in your bank account and create a business that works for owners to reduce stress and uncertainty. He does this by starting with the basics and speaking in plain language.

During COVID-19, Andrew successfully guided 3 of 4 of his restaurant businesses to record sales and after years of public speaking engagements is able to articulate why his strategy works, but more importantly “how”.

Andrew has lived and breathed this reality for more than a decade and can relate to clients in real terms armed with the necessary experience to demonstrate proven solutions. With his help, participants can move from operator to owner, and will no longer be the individual who needs to solve everything, giving up their weekends and nights to solve urgent situations. This allows them to focus on growth.

Andrew starts with ensuring his audience understands that they are not alone. And then, he equips them with the tools they need to grow. He gets it. He’s been there. An engaging speaker, Andrew begins from a place of empathy. This stuff is hard. When owners become operators they are buried in a day to day survival pattern, with little hope of getting out, particularly during a pandemic.

Armed with his tools, owners are able to move on to a place where they can extricate themselves from daily operations by picking the right people for the right jobs, and providing the necessary training to reduce employee turnover and the thousands of dollars of expenses that come with it.

When Andrew speaks and coaches, whether in a group or one-on-one, owners do not feel vulnerable. Instead they feel empowered.


Inspiration in Action

If you’re looking for a coach or speaker who has walked his clients’ exact path, or that of his audience, you have finally found one. Andrew Scott has developed simple systems to reduce the cost of employee turnover, put more money in your bank account and create a business that works for owners to reduce stress and uncertainty. He does this by starting with the basics and speaking in plain language.

During COVID-19, Andrew successfully guided 3 of 4 of his restaurant businesses to record sales and after years of public speaking engagements is able to articulate why his strategy works, but more importantly “how”.

Andrew has lived and breathed this reality for more than a decade and can relate to clients in real terms armed with the necessary experience to demonstrate proven solutions.

With his help, participants can move from operator to owner, and will no longer be the individual who needs to solve everything, giving up their weekends and nights to solve urgent situations. This allows them to focus on growth.

Andrew starts with ensuring his audience understands that they are not alone. And then, he equips them with the tools they need to grow. He gets it. He’s been there. An engaging speaker, Andrew begins from a place of empathy. This stuff is hard. When owners become operators they are buried in a day to day survival pattern, with little hope of getting out, particularly during a pandemic.

Armed with his tools, owners are able to move on to a place where they can extricate themselves from daily operations by picking the right people for the right jobs, and providing the necessary training to reduce employee turnover and the thousands of dollars of expenses that come with it.

When Andrew speaks and coaches, whether in a group or one-on-one, owners do not feel vulnerable. Instead they feel empowered.

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